There is no better feeling than when you know you nailed it on your first date. It is usually said that men have an easier time picking and putting together an outfit than women. There may be some truth, but it only takes on incorrect details and screws your first impression. Therefore, throwing something on in a last-minute rush is a dangerous thing to do. Here are some things you may find impressive when choosing an outfit that impresses your crush.
Clothes that fit
When choosing something to wear, the most important thing is to go for the ones that fit you perfectly. How much an outfit costs do not matter if the outfit does not fit you perfectly. You may choose to go for a tailored dinner jacket or well-fitting jeans, do not go for a baggy and loose outfit for you do not want your date to be distracted by this.
Dates Call for a Collar
A collared shirt is almost always necessary for a first date. You may choose to go for any color of your choice, but you do not have to go for dull colors like grey and black. This is a date and not a business meeting. Go for a beautiful color for your shirt that compliments your mood. You may also choose to put on a button-down shirt. Considering where you are meeting, dress for the occasion.
Go for Dark Denim
A date calls for denim. For a casual date, your date will probably show up in jeans or casual dress. Sticking to the dress code is especially important. You do not want your date to find you in a suit when it is just a date. This might even bring out the wrong impression. Go for a relaxed outfit like dark denim you would usually wear on the weekend. An added advantage to this is that the dark color lengthens your legs. Do not forget to add a leather belt if your shirt is tucked. There are online platforms where you can order and buy any type of clothes like anerkjendt fox jumper.
Go for the Best Shoe on the Rack
When picking a shoe that compliments your outfit, the most important thing is to go for comfortable shoes. You do not want to have an uncomfortable time because the shoes do not fit well. Keep things simple and remember to consider your whole outfit. You must remember to match colors so that you do not go out looking like a rainbow.
A date is a perfect time to wear accessories you may not get to wear at any other place. You may choose to wear your bucket hat but do not overdo it by going for colors that ruin your whole outfit. You may also choose to wear a simple watch to make you look more elegant.
When choosing an outfit for a date, you get to explore your wardrobe since the dress code is not so serious. You get to pick and dress in the best way possible, and with these few things in mind, you will win your date.